Set up metro for steam mac mac#
Here are the hacks it does have: Aimbot, Anti-AFK, Anti-Blind, Anti-Burn, Anti-Knockback, Anti-Shake, Auto-Build, Auto-Disconnect, Auto-Enchant, Auto-Jump, Auto-Mine, Auto-Respawn, Auto-Sign, Auto-Soup, Auto-Switch, Auto-Tool, Auto-Walk, Auto-Weapon, Blink, Bow-Aimbot, Bread Crumbs, Brightness, Bunny Hop, Chat Spam, Chest ESP, Click-Aimbot, Dolphin, Entity ESP, Fancy Chat, Fast Eat, Fast Fall, Fast Ladder, Fast Place, Fight-Bot, Flight, Flip, Follow, Freecam, Friends, Glide, Headless, Health Nametags, High Jump, Horse Jump, Item ESP, Item Label, Jetpack, Kill-Aura, LSD, Mass TPA, Metro HUD, Middle Click Friends, Nametags, Night Vision, No Fall, No Fog, No Overlay, No Slowdown, No Swing, Notifications, No Weather, Nuker, Panic, Player ESP, PropHunt ESP, Rapid Jump, Retard, Safe Walk, Selection Box, Sneak, Speed, Speed Mine, Spider, Sprint, Status HUD, Step, Timer, Tracer, Trajectories, Trigger-Bot, True Vision, Twerk, Underwater, Underwater Walk, Unfocused CPU, Wall Hack, Waypoints, WorldEdit ESP, World Time, Xray, and Zoom. Any m1 Mac owners who could share their performance of the newly released Metro Exodus Mac port Preferably owners of the steam versions as they have an in game fps counter.